Living Wall Planters
We use a modular planting system that is lightweight and compact, making it highly versatile for many different applications. It can be mounted on both interior and exterior walls or as part a free-standing unit allowing our living walls to be placed wherever they are needed.
The Living Wall Planter system is designed to make vertical gardening easy. Simply water by hand or irrigate from the top row to provide every plant with just the right amount of water.
Our living walls can be supplied as self contained units that can be placed around your home or office. They can either be watered by hand or for larger installations, can be supplied with irrigation and a water storage unit.
Improves air quality by converting carbon dioxide to oxygen
Regulates temperature
Decreases the need for humidifiers and dehumidifiers
Absorbs indoor fumes including cleaning products and cooking smells
With an exterior living wall, the possibilities are endless. By using a living wall as an alternative to traditional hedging, you can introduce a far greater variety of plants into a garden without taking up any additional space. This can make your garden a haven for insects and other wildlife which is especially important in cities and other urban areas.
A blend of colours, textures and even edible crops will make your living wall stand out and we're here to offer expert advice to get the best from your space whether large or small.